Tuesday, July 3, 2012

I love it when a plan comes together.

What a weekend/week. We went to precompression on Saturday night and had a blast. I met so many awesome people. Brody and Beth from the Art department... the awesome fellow who does the lamp project... and I'm having a blonde moment and can't remember his name. He had some truly excellent cinnamon whiskey though. I danced and laughed and made cupcakes and drank entirely too much. It was exactly as it was billed- a prelude to the fun. I feel completely pre-compressed. All of my excitement is packed into this little glowing ball of joy right in the center of my chest. Which is good. I need some joy.. because is very much less exciting news, I'm having surgery on Thursday. Many of you know that I had a very hilarious, but unfortunate, incident that involved pole dancing in a ladyboy bar in Thailand. I have fucked my shoulder good and proper and now must get it repaired.

But this blog is not about my stupid shoulder. It's about wagons! And much progress has been made.

This weekend was a flurry of activity. True to our 50's theme, the ladies took on a sewing project while the gentlemen adjourned to the garage (read: TechShop SF) to do manly metal working.

Glen and I bought hilarious fabrics for apron making. We got as far as cutting out the pattern before we completely wilted on the couch. People Magazine isn't just going to read itself. Regardless, we have fabric and patterns. We'll cut it out maybe tomorrow.... or I'll watch Glen cut it out this weekend while I'm high on percocet. It'll get done. Plenty of time (famous last words of a procrastinator).

The boys were ridiculously more industrious.

So... Chris and I have one car. We live in San Francisco, where you are obligated by law to own a Mini Cooper... and I believe a pug, which we don't have... yet..... anyway... So, putting anything more than two human beings in a mini is ridiculous. Thankfully we opted for the convertible. So when we need more space we just put the top down.

So off to TechShop they went. And there was much welding and shenanigans. 

There was some whining about the lack of AC and the required leather outfit for welding. But comfort is not a primary concern in manly endeavors.

Now if that's not a 90 degree angle, I don't know what is. I mentioned the OCD right?

 Frame complete!

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