Tuesday, July 3, 2012


So apparently some of our authors (CHRIS) do not actually read the blog before they willi-nilly post their updates... if they did, they would see that certain pictures had already been posted. Pardon our repeats ladies and gents, we're new at this.


  1. Sweet jesus man, do you think this is slashdot or something? We are trying to build a sammie wagon here not some ho hum hotdog cart.

    Edit: I have it on good authority that one of our many interns was actually responsible for that post and has since been sacked. This blog will be of the utmost quality from here on out.

  2. Sacked nothing. We run a tight ship here. Firing is too good for them. They have been publically humiliated. They've been drawn and quartered. And worst of all they will be forced to work the shirt-cocking inspection booth on the playa.
